
  • Developer: Smug Marmot Studios
  • Early Access Date: June 22nd, 2021
  • Release Date: November 18th, 2021
  • Platforms: PC
  • Website: SmugMarmot.com
  • Price: 19.99 USD
  • Availability: Digital Download – Steam
  • Languages: English, Spanish
  • Press Contact: mike@smugmarmot.com
  • Social: Twitter, YouTube, Discord

Short Game Description

In this city builder and tower defense game, you will command a small band of ship wrecked colonists. Progress from struggling to survive the elements to a thriving kingdom that will smash the demon hordes that dare attack your settlement.

Game Features

  • 6 unique islands to colonize
  • Full day/night and seasonal cycles
  • Rapid generational growth of the colony
  • Dozens of buildings that can improve the lives and productivity of the citizens or produce resources
  • Job management system allowing the player steer what the colonists prioritize working, without having to micro manage
  • Research system allowing unlocking of new technologies and bonuses
  • A mazing focused tower defensive system
  • A selection of base defensive towers that can be altered by elemental gems, yielding a huge inventory of towers and possible strategies
  • Unique elemental synergy and nullification system that pushes a deep defensive strategy
  • Over a dozen races of attacking enemies with have unique attributes and abilities (With many levels for each of these races)
  • A tutorial system that will get the player started and provide helpful hints along the way.


Images with transparency are denoted by being placed on graph paper.

Character Art



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About the developer

I’m Mike, the solo developer of Exodus Borealis. I’ve always been passionate about creating and games. When getting my Comp Sci degree, I found myself gravitating and focusing on graphical programming. Upon graduation, I was unhappy with the conditions and treatment I was seeing for entry level game development positions. I didn’t want an earnings focused employer to kill my passion for designing and building games. So, I took a programming job outside of the games industry, vowing to return when I could do development on my own terms.

It may have taken a while, but after 15 years of work, I quit my job to independently develop games full time. After 18 months of blood, sweat, and tears, I now set to meet my goal of releasing my dream strategy game – Exodus Borealis!